Friday, November 24, 2017

Floating on the Sand

We were coming home from a trip to St. George. My son enjoys making arrowheads from obsidian. Obsidian can be expensive to buy so the thought was brought up that maybe there was somewhere on the way home where we could collect some obsidian ourselves.

I looked it up and found a blog that said there was obsidian to be found at Black Spring in Utah. We followed the directions to get there and on the way found ourselves having an adventure through an area of Utah we were unfamiliar with.

It was fun to take this side route home in the middle of nowhere with different landscapes. The route ran closely parrallel to a train route for awhile. It was close enough that when we passed and signaled for them to do the train horn; they did to our great amusement.

We eventually found the dirt road that turned off towards Black Spring. We had an hour and half or so left of sunlight so we knew we needed to be wise and make this expedition quick and efficient. The last thing we wanted to do was to be in literally the middle of nowhere with our whole family in the dark and spotty phone reception.

As soon as we started on the dirt road the van started to shake violently due to how bad the road was. We proceeded further but could barely go five miles an hour. We quickly realized that at the rate we wouldn't be able to complete our task before sun down. It was not wise to continue.

However, we had come this far and we desired to find the obsidian for our son. We came to the conclusion that we needed to pray. The Lord cares about us  and we believed cared about our little family expedition. He cares about the big things and also the small things. We knew that if it was his will to help us that we could get there and do what we had come to do.

I said the prayer. It was a simple prayer. I thanked the Lord for various blessings and recognized his hands in all things. I recognized that while this wasn't very important that we were excited about it as a family and wanted to do this for our son. If it was his will, we asked that he would make our way smooth so that we could proceed on our way.

After the prayer we drove onward and found that immediately that our car was no longer having any trouble driving a reasonable speed (maybe 25-30 miles per hour.)

We were no longer being jolted around by the rough road. We made it to Black Spring within about 10 minutes. There we searched for about 30-40 minutes until we found some good sized pieces of snowflake obsidian.

When finished we took some pictures with our discovery and then loaded up and headed back to the main road. Soon we reached the spot where we had prayed and where the road had been impassable over 5 miles an hour. Instead of needing to slow down though, we were able to proceed all the way back to the main road at our continued speed of 25-30 miles an hour without any problems.

We were on the main road a little before sundown. We stopped and said a prayer thanking our Father in Heaven for blessing us and making the path smooth so that we were able to finish our expedition. We thanked him that we were able to find obsidian that was usable and asked him to bless the remainder of our journey to be safe.

Our Heavenly Father does care about us and does hear our prayers. We prayed and exercised our faith in him that he would make our path smooth and he did. It was a small thing, not necessary to our salvation but I am grateful for this experience of faith that we were able to experience as a family.

I am grateful that the Lord saw fit to bless us with this answer to prayer to help us and our children to see first hand our prayers answered.

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